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Site Admins Cashan

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Brúdlaup - Halvar Empty Brúdlaup - Halvar

Post by CashanTue 24 Sep 2024 - 13:43

H O P E . D E A T H - R E I G N - M A T A S H I N A - C O L B Y
Vampire || Wraith

A millennium, Hope had lived an entire millennium in one sleep. Every moment from Hal's birth in Denmark to feeling her draining him of his blood, she had lived it all. She knew everyone he knew and loved everyone he loved. Lost everyone he lost as though it was her own heart being broken every time. Hal had lived a lot of life and had other women and children who had died or were lost over time but nothing could have prepared her to herself through his eyes. He had loved before her, but he had never felt the depths of love that he had with her. Hal had promised to destroy Valhalla if that was what it took and now she felt the conviction behind those words. He had meant it, every word. Their love, their bond was world ending and her world was changed forever.

Hope's now gold-speckled eyes opened in an unfamiliar yet completely familiar place. It smelled like home, just not her home. She could hear the crackling of a fire, and smell the smoke and pine mixed with the sea air filled her nostrils. She knew this place, she was just confused as to how. Her head was a jumble of memories that weren't her own but there was one resounding thought. " Hal.. " her voice was soft if not a little tentative.  As his name left her lips she felt his heart skip a beat, beat, there was a beat in her chest. Her hand moved to her chest, yup, there was definitely a beat, but it wasn't her own. Hal...Hal's soul was beating in her chest and she could feel it racing.

Her eyes finally found him, he was beaming and Hope smirked. She wanted to do so many things, hug him, cry with him, kiss him, make love to him, she wanted to do it all at that moment but she felt like she hadn't moved her body for a thousand years and the fur beneath her was warm and soft. " Vi er i Valhalla. " Hope said in fluent Danish without even thinking. It's all she had heard for a thousand years but it still confused her like how she knew they were in Valhalla. How she knew where everything was in this hut and she even remembered killing the animal to make the pelts she was laying on, no, that wasn't right she didn't kill them, Hal, Hal killed them.

Her hand went through her right hand went through her head, while her left remained feeling the rhythm on her chest. She looked strangely at her arms. " Jeg gløder.. I'm ... glowing " she repeated in her tongue as her head was finally becoming her own again. Why was she glowing? Was it the blood? How long ago had she bitten Hal? How long had they been here? How had they gotten here? She had so many questions but her first was for the kids. " The kids.. børn.. are they okay? " Hope asked, a moment of panic rippling through her otherwise serene demeanour.  It wouldn't last long however as Hal eased her fears and pulled her into an embrace.

Her arms slipped under his as she rested her head on his chest and listened to the rhythm of his heart that now beat in time with the piece of him inside her. She lay there for a moment, one perfect moment of calm as they're bodies tangled together. " We need a .. bed.. seng. " Hope teased as her hands trailed up and down Hal's spine. " I saw it all.. dit liv... I lived it, I think... It's all... " Hope sighed frustrated at how slowly her brain was processing everything. She was sharper than this, faster than this, but processing 1000 years of information was going to take time, patience just wasn't one of her virtues.

" Are we married? Blive gift? " What Hal knew, Hope now knew but she had learned so much information in such a short period of time, she was struggling to make sense of it all. It's like her brain had been put in a blender and all these things were added and then blended together. It needed time to settle. They had given a piece of each other's soul to each other, that wasn't marriage, it was so much more. Marriage was a promise and a piece of paper, what they had wasn't so fragile. So maybe they weren't married but why had Hal been thinking of the brúdlaup and festarmál? " My head.. it's. It's crazy. " Hope admitted lifting her head off Hal's chest and finding those honey hues to drown in. It was frustrating trying to sort out her own mind but looking at Hal, looking at her, feeling his heart in her chest, she was without a care in the world and happy. For the first time in a long time, she was peaceful and happy.

Word Count: 835

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Brúdlaup - Halvar Empty Re: Brúdlaup - Halvar

Post by HalvarWed 25 Sep 2024 - 12:05

He awoke with a smile on his face. His new bride slept soundly beside him and the hustle and bustle of home sounded all around him. It was near perfection, but not near enough.
Halvar moved slowly and carefully, rolling his shoulder from underneath Hope’s head to lower her onto the pelts beneath her, planting a soft kiss on her forehead as he slipped himself free, untangling their limbs in the process.
When he stood he could not help but watch Hope as she slept, his smile deepening until it was time to move. Not so long ago he read Hope’s diaries. He knew all about her past and her inner secrets, not now that he had lived through them inside of her memories he had a new much more intense perspective. He had very important business to attend to. He needed to meet with his uncle.

He entered the great hall to roars of his kinsmen, Halvar laughing as he was given the heroes welcome, his eyes glistening with emotion, he was home, and would soon be able to see those he had loved and lost. “Hávi,” he smiled as Odin came into view, the two men colliding in a rough hug. “I have much to tell you, and much to ask of you Draugadróttinn” he grinned gently slapping the Allfather’s back as the two men walked through to a more private setting to discuss things away from listening ears. What Halvar wanted to ask was no small favor and would come at a price, but it was one that Halvar was more than willing to pay.
He emerged some time later. The morning was growing late, the sun’s warming the air as he walked back to his humble home. Feeling at peace to see Hope was still sleeping within. Their lives were full of hurt, but this was good, their little slice of peace hidden away from others for a short while.

And When Hope woke he met her with a loving smile, watching his heart closely as she submerged from the depths of sleep with millennia of new knowledge. “Ja, Valhalla,” he beamed, heart warming to hear her speak in his mother tongue. “It is temporary, and it suits you,” he responded quietly, watching her every move as she acclimatized to all that was going on within. “De er sikre, Min kærlighed” (They are, my love) Halvar reassured her, having already had a birds eye view of the children since awakening. “With Kenshu still” he confirmed, sliding beside Hope for her moment of worry, encouraging her to nestle against him, which she gladly did, her cool body warmer than the usual chill that would meet his skin. “Hm,” he sighed, missing the cold now, but enjoying the moment still, encircling her within his arms.
They lay together, bodies twisting as naturally as branches, Hope’s hands soothing against his back as Halvar relaxed, taking Hope’s new day slowly. It was a new world for her, and one that he had not shared this way with any other before her, or would any after. “You are part of me, and I am a part of you now. You know all I knew, and I know all you knew. Do not be overwhelmed, or search for answers now, there is no need. Relax my heart,” he sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to her crown as she remembered the night before.

“Married in my eyes. And in those of the Gods. Yes,” he smiled, kissing her again, the love for her blooming like pride within his chest. “There will be a ceremony tonight, once things are prepared. Then we will feast with the Gods for four moons,” he smiled up at Hope as she lifted above him, her eyes searching him in wonderment and a little confusion, his hand moving to cup her cheek in reassurances. “Relax, Valkyrie. Alt vil blive godt. Jeg elsker dig” (All will be well. I love you)
Moving to rest on his elbows Halvar lifted to bring his lips against her own in a soft kiss, drawing her back to lie against him, arm wrapping around her shoulder in protection.
“I have much to show you today.”

  'One should listen when an old dog barks.'  

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Brúdlaup - Halvar Empty Re: Brúdlaup - Halvar

Post by CashanWed 25 Sep 2024 - 20:45

H O P E . D E A T H - R E I G N - M A T A S H I N A - C O L B Y
Vampire || Wraith

Married. They were married. The whole concept seemed rather strange. Hope had never thought of herself as the marrying type, the big white dress and public declarations of love seemed horrifying but she realised now that those things weren't marriage, they were a wedding. An outdated ceremony that had been ruined for her the day Ox Corp murdered her mother in Rose Lodge on her wedding day. Hope had never worn the colour white since. But she did want Hal, the last five years without him had been Mayhem on Earth and she never wanted to spend another day apart. If that wasn’t marriage material then she didn't know what was.

“ A ceremony? Like a wedding ceremony? “ she asked. “ I hope you're not expecting me to wear white. “ she said, trying to sound light as she said it. She didn't want her past to ruin this moment but she wasn't entirely sure what to expect. She knew the traditions thanks to Hal's memories but how they applied to her she didn't know. She wasn't Norse, she hadn't even believed in Gods until she met Hal and now she would be dining with them for four nights? She knew them all, of course, Odin, Frigg, Thor, Loki.. The thought made her stop. “ Wait which Gods Hal? Cause I swear by the Gods if your father turns up... “She didn't get to finish the sentence before she was reassured that he would not be receiving an invitation. She was relieved but almost a little disappointed. She had spent all of Nik's life protecting him from his paternal grandfather and if she had the opportunity, she would find a way to end him if it kept Nik safe.

Hal reassured her all would be well and she had to bite her tongue to stop herself from contradicting him. All would not be well. Eventually, they would have to return home and face that reality, but for now, Hope didn't want to ruin this moment. “ I love you too . “ she smiled as Hal pulled her in for a kiss. How was his kiss the same yet completely different? He was deeper, she could feel his heart flutter in her chest as their lips met. Her head moved to rest against his chest, had she always fit so perfectly here? “ Oh do you? “ she asked, her fingers trailing the valleys of his abs in a flirtatious tone. “ I don’t have any clothes here Hal and I’d rather start our honeymoon. “ she chuckled. “ But I suppose if you absolutely must show me, you can find me something to wear? Preferable from the last century. “ she teased playfully wanting to stay in their bubble but knowing they would have to leave this hut eventually. The honeymoon would have to wait.

Word Count: 463

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Brúdlaup - Halvar Empty Re: Brúdlaup - Halvar

Post by HalvarFri 27 Sep 2024 - 10:57

Halvar nodded with a chuckle as Hope mentioned white dress-dorned weddings. This was not like the socially implicated weddings of her world. They would feast, though Halvar had arranged for there to be a ‘wedding’ type ceremony to respect Hope’s heritage. “You can pick your dress. Frigg will help you,” he smiled as he watched her mind race behind her glinting dark eyes. He had given her his world, and he did not regret it, he could see new life in Hope now, even her features were more animated, warm even.
His laughter deepened once the names of Gods were mentioned, his hand lifting as she spoke of Loki, a subtle shake of his head joining the rumbling laugh that rocked his shoulders. “”No, Not Loki,” he settled, resting a large palm over her arm as he reassured her. “I want your day to be a perfect day. A perfect day does not include the Trickster,” He did not want Loki messing up their day, nor did he want Loki getting under his skin when he was trying to enjoy himself. “I love you. This will be perfect.” He grinned, pressing a kiss to Hope’s cheek, before twisting her against his chest claiming her lips.

Her fingers teased his flesh, warming it beneath their grazing touches, and he grinned knowing exactly what she was doing, and he would have loved to lie back and let her have her wish, yet he did now. His fingers took her hand where he quietly inspected her palm, having already seen the sealed mark on his own. He did not think Hope had noticed yet, and smiled “Yes, really lots to do. Clothes. You don’t need clothes,” he smirked. Kissing her palm before he turned her palm into her eye line wordlessly until Hope spotted the mark.
“I have one too. It is a soul tie,” he told her as Hope inspected her palm, snatching him up to compare the two. “You are stuck with me, we are branded by one another, inside and outside”

Running his fingers gently through her hair he left her examining her palm and he climbed onto his feet, Hope continuing to look at the Golden marking, rubbing gently at it as Halvar moved away and out of the door, having a quiet conversation, only to return with a robe for Hope that was slung over his arm. “Here” he lay it beside her before he dressed his bottom half in pale attire. “Let us go and start our day”
He awaited Hope in silence before he took up her hand helping her onto her feet.
A short while later he led her through the shimmering streets of Valhalla, occasionally stopping to say a brief hello to others that milled here and there. They all knew Hope, and she knew them, bound by the soul tie. She had become one of them seamlessly and it was like she had been there for eternity.
Halvar was quiet for once, reflective and at peace as they walked, until a large tree loomed in the distance.
“I have something to show you. A gift,” he grinned then, turning to face his heart, pulling her against him to have a quiet moment together before their solitude was going to be interrupted.
“I wish to spend this day with you. Just you. My soul,” he smiled, twisting strands of her hair through his fingers as her vines reached to snag his wrist in a familiar way. “I am a selfish boar wanting to keep you all to myself,” Halvar had seen in her heart, he knew the pain that lingered there. It was a pain much deeper than any other, and it was one Halavr knew well, but one he and the AllFather had power to relieve, but it meant sharing his heart. “You see that large ash tree there, do you remember what it is called? ….. Yes Yggdrasil. Odin and I have something for you there,” He untangled himself from her arms, leading her once more until they ascended a mound to stand before the great hanging Tree, a shiver running up the Viking’s spine as the echoes of eagles and axes clanged softly around them. “The nine worlds welcome you,” he smiled at Hope, placing his free palm against the living bark. “Do you see the way the leaves bend into the bark by the base over there?” he pointed, his eyes misted with hidden emotion as he turned. “There is something for you in there. A spirit waiting for release. Will you go and free it?”

  'One should listen when an old dog barks.'  

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Brúdlaup - Halvar Empty Re: Brúdlaup - Halvar

Post by CashanFri 27 Sep 2024 - 17:30

H O P E . D E A T H - R E I G N - M A T A S H I N A - C O L B Y
Vampire || Wraith

A soul tie, the thought brought a warmth to her chest which was strange. It was as though Hal's soul was reminding her she was there as he thump in her chest fell in rhythm with Hal's. Her right hand moved to her chest as she studied the now golden rune embedded on her palm. It was beautiful like she had been tattooed with liquid gold but she couldn't help the nerves she felt with it. There was no hiding this, no protecting Hal from his association with her. She was wearing her heart on her palm now but she glanced over at Hal and so was he. SHe contemplated what this would mean in reality. There would be no more her enemies and his, just theirs and he had accepted that before the soul tie. He had read her diary, the family diary. He knew of everyone who had ever wronged and been wronged by the Death coven and he accepted it still. Whatever happened now, they were in this together till eternity.

She traced the mark with her thumb and smirked as Hal reentered with a robe. He dressed his lower half and Hope pouted in disappointment before giving him a cheeky smirk. She wrapped the robe around her body feeling less exposed as Hal helped her up to her feet. Gods may not think much of going around naked but Hope wasn't a god and her body was for Hal's eyes only now. They walked hand in hand through Valhalla, and people greeted her like she had always been there. She had said hello, even made conversation with people had known for millennia but never met. If her family could see her now they wouldn't believe her capable of such friendliness. She almost didn't believe it herself, she wasn't sure what had come over her. Was Hal's soul influencing hers somehow? SHe didn't know and she didn't care, she was happy and this was just so normal, something she never thought she could have.

They moved away from the crowds, and walked in contented silence as they moved further away from Valhalla. “ A gift? “ Hope asked surprised but excited. She had no idea what Hal had planned so this was something he had organised since they had bonded. He pulled her in close and her hands travelled up his chest and under his arms. Her vines travelled back up his arm and around his wrist. “ You can spend all eternity with me Hal. I'm yours forever. “ she smiled laughing at him for thinking he was selfish. She was his to want but she did wonder why he felt they couldn't spend the day alone. Would she have to see Frigg for a dress? Maybe that was the gift he spoke of but she doubted it. He had something up his sleeve, she knew by that look in his eye and the way he played with her hair.

Hal pointed to a large tree, she had seen it before. “ Yggdrasil.. “ she replied, the tree of life and death within Valhalla. “ Odin? “ Hope asked, wondering what the pair had organised for her. It was a little strange to think that Odin, the Odin, had a hand in this. “ I take it the in-laws like me then. “ she joked as they climbed the hill to stand below the tree. It was awe inspiring, she'd never seen anything like it and she stared at its leaves, she felt a strange sensation go through her. ShHe thought it was the magic around her although it felt oddly familiar. Hal lpointed to an area of the tree and Hope nodded not sure what was happening. “ A spirit? “ Hope's heart could have been in throat at that moment. Who? WhHo could be in Valhalla for her as a gift? She almost didn't dare to hope. Ajax? Matthew?....Knigh? That last name surged her toward the area.

Turning the corner she didn't see anything immediately. “ Hal there's no one... “ She stopped. Her eyes filled with tears as she stared at the trunk of the tree. “ Marcus?.... “ Her voice almost broke as she ran to the trunk to see Marcus smiling at her beneath the bark. She stared for what seemed like an eternity, this wasn't possible, how was this possible? Hope pressed her right hand to the tree but nothing happened. She looked at her hands and then pressed her left hand with her golden rune to the bark. There was a strange warm sensation that came from her palm and her chest. It was like the tree recognised Hal's soul within her and responded. The bark lost its mass and Hope's hand passed through it and she reached until she felt a familiar hand grab hers. She pulled, taking a step back and watched as her brother emerged from the tree. It didn't look like the Marcus she had grown to know. He looked healthy, full of life, he looked like her brother. “ Marcus.. are you really.... Gods are you dead?..... “ Hope panicked worrying that the tehther that kept his soul from passing on had been damaged in her absence.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she realised how strong her grip had been on Marcu's hand. “ Sorry I.... “ she went to pull  her hand away and step away from her brother. That's what would have been the norm for her before. But she had kept her brother alive for five years, so she needed a hug. “ Fuck it. “ she smiled and wrapped her arms around Marcus's neck. “ I missed you.” she whispered to him as she looked over his shoulder at Hal. “ I love you “ she mouthed silently to him. She didn't know how he had done it but she could never thank him, she could never repay him, He had given her, her other half. She was whole again she thought as she realised what that familiar feeling was earlier. A twin bond coming back after being gone for half a decade.  

Word Count: 1001

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Brúdlaup - Halvar Empty Re: Brúdlaup - Halvar

Post by HalvarSun 29 Sep 2024 - 14:20

Halvar would have given Hope all Nine worlds if he thought that was what her heart had desired. He would have waged war on all of the devils and all of the Gods just to see a fleeting smile. But as much as she wanted peace and growth for her kin and even herself there was something that she wanted more. A pain tucked away deep inside of her heart, that ate away at her with more ferocity than anything else. He had felt the full force of it in the waters of Mount Hellion and Halvar knew that pain, he had suffered that pain, but he was fortunate. Those he’d loved and those he’d lost were never inaccessible. They were either in the living world or they were in his afterlife, forever was not eternity for the Viking, but Hope losing her brother in the way she had, could have been, and she knew it. That was the pain that took the wind from Halvar’s sails, and the pain that he had been utterly determined to remove from her. If he could do no other thing for Hope in this life, he would make sure to do this and at whatever cost.

He stood back, content to watch Hope work out what was happening. With a large smile on his face, and eyes brimming with emotion he watched his heart healing before his very eyes. Every part of her came alive in a way that he had never seen before, and in a way he did not think was possible as her hand touched the ancient bark. It was as though Halvar was watching his love being reborn. Her hesitation was answered with his silence, Halvar taking a few strides back to make sure that nothing or noone would interrupt the reunion with the other side of her soul.

Marcus stepped free from the tree to be embraced in a pure display of love and emotion that Halvar could only wish to continue, as some of the hardness that encased Hope cracked away, revealing more of the woman he knew. “Thank you, Havi,” the Viking whispered into the wind, the two companion ravens flying far overhead carrying his message as they returned to their master with the news that the gift had been received without a single hitch. “You have honoured me. Yet again.” He smiled, returning his eyes to the twins as Hope mouthed to him words he knew.

“Come, come,” he waved his hand, encouraging the pair closer to him. “Let’s go back home. I have much to do, and you have much time to make up for, come rest and ready yourself for the ceremony and for much drinking,” he chuckled, not touching either as he let Hope lead her brother back through a place he hoped Marcus would not get to see again for many lifetimes.

  'One should listen when an old dog barks.'  

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Marcus Death-Reign
Marcus Death-Reign
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Brúdlaup - Halvar Empty Re: Brúdlaup - Halvar

Post by Marcus Death-ReignSun 29 Sep 2024 - 23:10

Marcus woke up with nothing but the memory of good times, his mind not polluted by the likes of Plague, Ox Corp of his father’s abandonment. All he knew was that he’d been gone for some time, separated from his twin sister, and now he was about to be reunited with her.
He was calm, but he couldn’t move. Something was holding him in place, yet it was living, it was warm and protective and Marcus felt nothing but peace as he waited in a timeless space until he could hear his sister and another that he somehow knew was Halvar, the man that she loved.

He smiled as she came into focus standing in front of him, her face shocked and emotional as she gasped his name, brimming in her eyes, her hands quickly parting whatever held him in place as she started to pull him free from the warmth and into the freshest air he’d ever felt. “Hope,” he laughed, feeling like he’d been away from her forever.

He climbed out and looked at her with none of the stress that usually marked his face, other than a small confused look as she panicked that he was dead. “Dead, no I don’t think we’re dead,” he chuckled, looking down at himself before he looked back at her. “Not sure what’s going on, but pretty sure we’re alive” She was squeezing his hand, but he didn’t care, he could feel how much she needed it, and knew that somehow he needed it just as much. He didn’t really know what was going on, but he didn’t care, he knew he needed his sister, and now that he had her everything just felt better.

His hand was left empty, his eyes scanning over his sister as she started to cry, her tears finally falling as she closed the space between them again, pulling him into a hug that made him feel whole somehow. He hugged her back tightly, feeling like something he didn’t know was broken was healing between them in this embrace. “Hey,” he smiled, rubbing his hand over her back gently, trying to calm her. “This is nice,” he whispered for just them, before he remembered that Halvar was there.

The twins let go of each other, but Marcus kept hold of her hand, trailing behind her when they started to follow the massive man he now knew was Halvar. “Home?” he questioned them both, not knowing much but knowing that this wasn’t their home. “You look happy Hope…why are we here?”

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?

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Brúdlaup - Halvar Empty Re: Brúdlaup - Halvar

Post by CashanMon 30 Sep 2024 - 13:20

H O P E . D E A T H - R E I G N - M A T A S H I N A - C O L B Y
Vampire || Wraith

This didn't seem real, only a few hours ago she had killed Matthew as a mercy and all Immortals faced extinction and now she was married, soul bound and hugging her brother. It was almost too much. Hope had never had a best day of her life. There were just days less shitty than the others. Even NIkolai's birth had been difficult and she had missed Hal and Marcus so much that day she couldn't enjoy it. But if she had to pick a day to be her best day, it was this day, she just wished Matthew's death didn't have to be a part of that. SHe laughed a little when Marcus said the hug was nice like he hadn't just been basically dead for five years. “ It is. “ she whispered back through tears. She didn't want to break away from the hug, worried if she let go of him he could disappear forever.

But they couldn't stay here forever and Hope unwrapped her arms from around Marcus's neck and slid her now golden palm into his as they began to walk through Valhalla. “ Halvar's home, it's not far from here. “ Hope explained seeing the confusion on Marcus's face. If she hadn't lived Hal's life overnight she would have been just as confused. Hope couldn't help the blush across her cheeks as Marcus told her she looked happy. She didn't think anyone had ever said she looked happy before. Was it the soul tie? Was it this place? She didn't know but whatever was causing it, she hoped it lasted. “ I am happy Marcus. I think for the first time in a long time. “

Hope glanced over at Halver chuckling as Marcus asked why he was here. “ Well, um, me and Hal...we sort of.... we sort of got married last night. “ Hope said, it suddenly felt real now she was saying it outloud to another person. “ Well not marriage like our marriage but our souls are bound together. “ Hope was doing a poor job at explaining it. She was still reeling from the fact she was talking to her brother. “ Hal brought you back as a gift for me. “ her voice quavered with emotion as the magnitude of what he had done still floored her. Not only had he sacrificed himself for her, come back from the dead for her, he had brought back the dead for her. The only person she thought capable of loving her that way was Marcus and now she had it twice over.

“ There's going to be a ceremony later and a party, a feast actually. You'll stay won't you? He can stay right Hal? “ Hope asked not sure what Hal and Odin had agreed too. If Marcus wasn't dead then Hope wasn't sure how long he could stay Valhalla or what would happen when he left but it was as though those dark thoughts couldn't stay long enough to cause her any concern. She had Hal, she had Marcus and her kids were safe. There was nothing to worry about now except what she was going to wear to this ceremony. She never imagined herself in a wedding dress but she was not getting married in this robe especially when she would be feasting with literal gods afterwards. “ I need you there to walk me up the aisle. “ she smiled knowing the reaction it would get. Marcus and her had come into the world together, fought against  the world together and although a part of her soul would now always belong to Hal, there was no denying that Marcus had it first. It was only right the one half of her soul, gave her to the other.

Word Count: 615

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