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Sauri Matashina
Sauri Matashina
Posts : 15
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Join date : 2020-06-24
Age : 39
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Post by Sauri MatashinaTue 24 Sep 2024 - 1:52

Name: Sauri Matashina

Age: Centuries

Sex: Female

Race: Child of First Vampire

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 110 lbs.

Build: Slim, feminine. Perportioned in the right places, curves to kill and a gait that glides.

Family: Only one remaining. Ajax Matashina, her twin brother.


Hair: Long, silken jet black tresses. Flowing freeling about her back and shoulders, with tints of other colors strewn within their waving locks.

Face: Soft features, delicate but strong. Unmatched beauty within her porcelaine complexion, and flawless soft skin. Feminine bone structure with soft lines and flowing contours.

Eyes: Rich in color, they rest at a Dark Forest Green. When angered, they turne a Vibrant blue color that shines against the darkness. In bloodlust they turn to a Rose Colored Red.

Markings/Tattoos: Intricate rose tattoos that span her arm and upper shoulder. Living as it seems that the blooms open and close given her mood at the time.

**Powers and Abilities**

(Back History) Over the Centuries, she was blessed with all the gifts of a First Blood Vampire. Hypnosis, Mind reading, Manipulation, and the inate ability to escape tight situations withe ease. Her brother and herself formed a coven of their own, and over time began to evolve and change. They not only had aquired the attention of the first blood vampire, but also the gods and goddesses. They saw in the twins a sharp potential, and there for also endowed them with gifts of a godly nature.

Gifts from Hecate: Intense magical knowledge, spells, witchcraft, charms, curses, moon magic and necromancing.

Gifts from Nyx: Shadow Veil, Night's Rule, power of darkness, and light. For Nyx was the goddess of the night, and all things within it.

Weakness: Though now in possession of godly gifts, Silver still affects and can even Kill if taken in too high an amount.

Personality: Sauri is colder then some, distant and quiet. She doesn't usually tie herself into emotions. She is guarded and to the point. She doesn't sugar coat anything and can be sometimes a bit rough. She is not quick to temper, but when triggered she is a force to be reckoned with..

At times, when the mood is more relaxed she has a lighter mood. Smiling, and joking with others. Though this is not often seen, it does happen.. She is most relaxed and care free when around her brother AyJax. Only he sees the most kind part of her. She has a soft spot for her twin, and it does not go unnoticed.

Past History: Upon a winter night in the early 1300’s twins were born. One female one male, both healthy strong babies, born into wealth their parents were considered a well looked up to pair in the village community having risen from a long line of farmers they owned the majority of live stock which provided the village with a means of survival.
The babies were talked about by all within the village never before had such beautiful unblemished children been seen within the town. Light skin, dark hair with large dark eyes they were adored by all, a well looked after pair.
But one night as spring settled upon the land the towns prized were ripped away a vampire having seen for himself what a marvel these children really were. Stealing them in the dead of the night as though they never existed he took them back to his coven, to raise them as vampires. Only he would keep them human until they reached adulthood.

For many years the children were kept within an old castle. Forming a close bond with her brother Sauri knew they were not like the other ‘people’ that raised them. She knew they were something different.
The children were untouchable, the coven leader whom had stolen them, doted upon them as though they were his own flesh and blood, he showered them with gifts and what ever they would desire but he also ruled them with an iron first, teaching them all there was to teach about the lives of Vampires and how to survive in such a harsh world. Training them in martial arts and magic’s.

Once the children reached adolescence the training became more intense, the master more ferocious with his training until the children resented him. Sauri grew into a fiece, cold woman. The brilliant light that once filled her eyes slowly began to fade as their father/master trained them endlessly..pushing them beyond their limits. She buried it, but she had grown to hate the man. The way he looked at her as she grew into her body...The way he treated her as a weak female. She grew restless, and when her brother told her of his plan she was more then willing to help. She wanted more then what their sire had given them. Together they killed the coven wreaking havoc upon their ‘family’ until all that remained was dust, the wind its story teller.

Taking off the two quickly gathered a following, their legend spreading thick and fast through out the vampire community, the twins seemed to have a flare for leadership soon having a strong coven at their back. They would never answer to anyone again.

Many years had passed since the fall of Lacrimoca. The coven had scattered even Sauri had vanished form the face of the earth. With the loss of her twin and her love, she faded to the history text. She went to ground to mourn. Suffering in her own mind, drowning in her own thoughts she put herself in stasis. Asleep. Deep under the coven grounds. Something stirred in her now... and it was time to wake up.

Sauri Matashina Pngtre10

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